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Collecting this information took me a long time and a lot of energy. When you want to use some, please ask. Always place the name and link of the Condorclub Holland.

 Fahrrad Postvelo 1958
Hello, here is the portrait of the Condor ost-bicycle. this type was built in the 1950s and 1960s. It was used to deliver the daily post by the postman. Sometimes they pulled also a trailer. These bicycles were replaced by little motorcycles until the 1990s. They have a backpedalling brake in the back and a one speed gear. The wheels measure 28''. The picture "Fahrrad Postvelo" shows my Condor post cycle from 1961. It sadly was destroyed in an accident about half a year ago. Now I am restoring one of the same type from 1957. This one will be like new afterwards! 
This picture of a "Fahrrad Postvelo" shows also a Condor machine of the same type. It was built in 1959 and belonged to one of my friends grandfather who was a postman in Bern. Usually every postman had his personal bicycle. In the background you see Lenzburg, the town where I live. 
