Het verzamelen van alle gegevens op deze site hebben mij veel moeite, tijd en geld gekost. Als u iets van deze site wilt gebruiken is het de gewoonte om daar toestemming voor te vragen.

Collecting this information took me a long time and a lot of energy. When you want to use some, please ask. Always place the name and link of the Condorclub Holland.



Martin Kropik send this mail to the Condorclub Holland
hi Ben
I'm the owner of the A680 on your site, which picture was sent to you by a german condorfan. I have attached some pictures which show you my bike with his last and only owner during the last years of the WWII. After the ending of the WWII he could get his bike home for private use. In the 70's he started with a restauration which never ended...

1996 i found this bike in his old house where now his nephew is living. (see the picture).
since summer 2000 the bike is on the road again!

best regards - Martin